Data Types


type description
ConnectionAlias This POJO includes all parameters needed to create a connection to the database or file based data source.
DataElement Data set, message or stack trace, returned by REST ETL Server getData endpoint. All 3 attributes are mutually exclusive.
DataRequest This POJO is used as a request to the REST ETL Server to retrieve data from the supported connection and serialize to JsonDataSet.
DataResponse The instance of this POJO is returned by REST ETL Server when getData endpoint is called.
DataSetObject This POJO represents a data set.
DataSetObjectResponse This POJO represents a response from the service, which returns a list of objects (such as tables, views, etc) for the connection.
EtlServiceFileMetrics This POJO represents metrics captured during file operations, such as file copied, file moved, file deleted, etc.
EtlServiceMetrics This POJO represents metrics captured during ETL transformation.
EtlServiceRequest This POJO used as a request for the REST ETL Service.
EtlServiceResponse This POJO is returned by REST ETL Service when ETL scenario is executed.
ExportRequest This POJO is used as a request to the REST ETL Server to export data from the data set and serialize to the destination format.
Field This POJO represents a data set field.
FieldsRequest This POJO is used as a request to the REST ETL Server to get a list of fields which belong to the data set.
FormatRequest This POJO is used as a request to the REST ETL Server to format document or code.
FormatResponse The instance of this POJO is returned by REST ETL Server when format endpoint is called.
JsonDataSet This POJO represents a data set in the json rowset format.
JsonDataSetField This POJO represents a data set field and used together with JsonDataSet.
Message Message in a raw text format (json, xml, csv, etc.) or a byte array if source is a binary object (excel, pdf, etc.), returned by REST ETL Server getMessage endpoint.
ScriptRequest This POJO is used as a request to the REST ETL Server to execute any JavaScript
ScriptResponse The instance of this POJO is returned by REST ETL Server when executeScrip endpoint is called.